Monday, December 04, 2006

Obscenity case filed against Aishwarya and Hrithik By Who

Well Guys.. Its seems that in India, there are many people who are acting like a Moral Police.. first it was UP Police, Now it someone who object about a kissing scene in a movie.

Let me ask this gentleman a question. Have you ever kissed? If Yes than you have no right to blame someone else. Second question would be. Who give you the power to say that woman have been offended? Are you a woman? Even if you are a woman, how can you define rules for the other. If you dont like the move, go home and watch something which wont affect you so called Egooooo.

Its high time, these stupid so called Moral Police and Moral Leader and who ever he/She is.. they have no right to dictate terms for the other. All they can do is dectate terms for their own life and not others. Even their grown up kid. If I am 18+..lets say if I can make my own decision, who the hell are others to tell me what to watch and what not to watch.

Twit This!

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