Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Weapon of Mass Destruction

The hunt for infamous “WMD” is still going on around the world since IRAQ war ended some 25 million year ago. Even “George Bush” Ghost who coined the term in 21st century is still looking for the WMD.

A curious visitor accidentally came face-to-face with Ghost Bush during one such trip in IRAQ.When the visitor accidentally revealed that he is reporter, Ghost Bush begged him to write his version of the story so that he can sleep in peace in hell.

Bush explained to the reporter that during one such trip to hell, he came across Saddam Hussein, whom he had dethroned from IRAQ for having WMD. Saddam won’t let him pass across the hell as he was insisting that Bush had WMD.

Bush gave a detail account of his life in hell to this reporter and how he badly he been treated for last 25 million in this hell. He narrated his miserly life and all the jokes going around him and his friends for his actions.

One of the jokes is that if you want to kill someone press Cheney for the bomb. Dick has been lying in the corner and his heart has been burning like oven at the “Papa Jones.”

Bush has been also tortured by the spelling Bee Competitor whenever Bush is around them. Once Bush was asked to spell “America”,and he spelled “Iamrica.” Since then he has become the hunting dog for these Bee kids.

Original Story at www.spooftimes.com

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