How many of you have heard that someone live on borrowed money and building a palace and fortifying with arms and guards? Probably few as this world is full of enigma and confusion. How many of you, given an opportunity of aid, will be ready to build a better future for yourself and your family need. Probably everyone except few.
So who are these "Probably Few" people. In simple term, they are the people who are willing to burn their own house to collect aid or dole. For what? for nothing. They think that by collecting these doles, they will be able to live in peace with the same neighbor whose house they have burned down, killed their sole bread-earner. For they think that this is the right way to protect the interest of few over million people. These million people are killed everyday.
These people are made to suffer for their basic needs. A house, two-meal of bread and clothes to cover their semi-nude body. They are made to stand in long line to collect water. They are made to stand in line even for getting basic medical care. Worse, they are sometime made to deliver babies on road-side. This was not in their destiny. God (whatever name you give to him) never thought that his creation would have to suffer so much in his own name. One wonder what those aid are doing then?
These aid are building palaces, luxury apartment, billion-dollar army, killing innocent people and what not else. They are doing everything except the right thing. What a living example would be people living in Swat province of Pakistan. They have been forced to flee their home, their daughter are being kidnapped to marry those mercenaries, their kids are being driven out of school so that they cannot become educated and understand true message of Allah (or God).
This is not just in Pakistan, there are many more place out their where you can replicated the same thing. Do you get the same feeling when you see the slums of India, poverty in Bangladesh, Somalia, Chad, Zimbabwe.
How would you change the world? I started by writing about it. What about you.
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